CivilStorm 2024 Help

Edit Active Topology Mode Dialog

Navigation: Click the Active Topology Ribbon Button on the ribbon Home tab.

Active Topology Mode

There are two Active Topology Modes: Selection Based or Query Based. Use the radio buttons to choose the mode you would like to use.
  • Selection Based mode allows you to control the active/inactive status of individual elements.
  • Query Based mode allows you to use queries to control the active/inactive status of elements.


  • Select from Drawing button (only enabled when using Selection Based mode): This button opens the Active Topology Selection Tool.
  • Edit Queries button (only enabled when using Query Based mode): This button opens the Edit Queries Dialog where you can define your queries.
  • Apply Queries button (only enabled when using Query Based mode): This button executes the active topology queries and updates the active/inactive status of elements in the system. Refer to Applying Active Topology Queries for more information.


  • When applying queries, elements that match the query will be activated (the rest will be deactivated).
  • If you do not define a query for a particular element type, those elements will be activated when queries are applied.
  • For extremely large models, the execution of queries may take some time, especially if the Automatically include connected elements option is enabled in the Edit Queries Dialog.