CivilStorm 2024 Help

Adding Background Layers

You add background layers to your model using the Background Layers Manager. When you start a new model, CivilStorm displays an empty folder in the Background Layers Manager called Background Layers. New background layer files and folders are added to the Background Layers folder by default.

To add a background layer:

  1. Click View > Background Layers to open the Background Layers Manager.
  2. In the Background Layers Managers, click the New button, then click New File from the shortcut menu.
  3. Or right-click on the default Background Layers folder and select New > File from the shortcut menu.
  4. Navigate to the file you want to add as a background layer and select it.
  5. After you add the background layer, you might have to use the Pan button to move the layer within the drawing area; Zoom Extents does not center a background image.

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