CivilStorm 2024 Help

Change Log Table

If change tracking is disabled but you attempt to view tracked changes, you are prompted:

If you answer Yes, then the change lot is opened. If you click No, the change log is not opened.

When logging is enabled, and changes are made to your model, each change is logged.

This includes adding, deleting or restoring elements or making changes to individual properties of an element. This also includes using ModelBuilder when executing a synch-in or global editing a column in a FlexTable. Each individual change is recorded in the log.

The change log shows you what those changes are in a tabular view.

When the change log is opened, the log file is automatically read and loaded into the table. You can stop the read at any time. The latest changes are displayed first in the table.

Change Log Columns

Column Description
Time Stamp This is the date/time when the action was added to the log file. The date/time in the table is in Local Time. The stored date/time is in Unix UTC.
ID This is the ID of the element.
Type The type of element.
Label The current label of the element for the row. If the ID is no longer available (removed after a compact) the label shown as <deleted>. If the element is deleted but the ID still available, the label is shown as <deleted: [label]>.
Change Type This is the change made to the element. Change types include added, deleted, restored and modified.
Context The context used for the change. This includes, but is not limited to, ModelBuilder, LoadBuilder, Skelebrator, general editing and undo/redo.
Field The label of the field that was changed.
NewValue The new value set to the field.
Scenario The label of the scenario.
Alternative Type The label of the alternative type.
Alternative ID The ID of the alternative for the change.
Alternative The label of the alternative.
User The username at the time of the change. This is either the Windows username (if NOT logged into CONNECTION Client) or the username of the CONNECTED user.

Change Log Toolbar Buttons

Refresh The refresh button retrieves the latest log entries from the SQLite database. Uses the time stamp of the last log entry as the starting point.
Copy The copy toolbar button copies the current table selection to the clipboard. The drop-down menu provides an option to include headers when copying to the clipboard.
Filter Opens the filter dialog to allow filtering of the change log.

A “Do not prompt again” dialog is initially displayed to confirm if the user wants to archive the current log entries. If the option “Do not prompt again” is checked, then the assumed answer is “Yes”, and no prompt is shown. To reset this option, open the Prompts dialog from the options dialog.

The prompt reads:

Archives the change log entries currently in view to a new SQLite database. Once the rows are copied, the entries are removed from the current hydraulic model database.

If an existing file is selected, the file is deleted and recreated as an SQLite database with a single table containing the change log entries. Once the archive process starts, it cannot be cancelled. The archive process cannot be undone. Once the archive process completes, the user is prompted:

Zoom Zooms in the drawing the element of the selected row if the element still exists.
Find Opens the find dialog to search for text in the change log. The text in italic gray text is not searchable.
Select In Drawing Selects in the drawing the selected rows in the change log. Other options include add to selection, remove from selection, select within current selection, open on selection and open on all rows.
Help Opens change log help.

Italic Gray Text in Change Log Table

For some log entries, you may notice gray italic text instead of standard text. This is special text notifying you of certain conditions.

<added> The text <added> shows in the following columns: Field, Scenario, Alternative Type and Alternative. The NewValue and Alternative ID columns are blank. Only appears for the change type "Added".
<deleted> The text <deleted> shows in the following columns: Field, Scenario, Alternative Type and Alternative. The NewValue and Alternative ID columns are blank. Only appears for the change type "Deleted".
<modeling> The text <modeling> shows in the following columns: Scenario, Alternative Type and Alternative. Only appears when modifying the fields Label, Notes, GIS-IDs and GIS-IDs (Delimited) when the change type is "Modified".
<restored> The text <restored> shows in the following columns: Field, Scenario, Alternative Type and Alternative. The NewValue and Alternative ID columns are blank. Only appears for the change type "Restored".

Change Log Filter

The text <restored> shows in the following columns: Field, Scenario, Alternative Type and Alternative. The NewValue and Alternative ID columns are blank. Only appears for the change type "Restored".

The following filters are available:

Filter Description Example WHERE Statement
Time Stamp Filters the change log to a specific time from (between two dates) or within a certain period (last x minute(s), hour(s), day(s), week(s), month(s) or year(s)). A week is 7 days; a month is 30 days; a year is 365 days.

Last 1 day(s) (from August 1)

TimeStamp > '07/31/2017'

Between July 1, 2017 and July 31, 2017

TimeStamp > '07/01/2017 12:00 AM' AND TimeStamp < '07/31/2017 03:33 PM'

Element (ID) A list of the unique IDs in the change log. ElementID IN (30,31,32)
Element Type A list of the unique [element] types in the change log. If you select one or more element types in the list, it will also filter down the unique values for the "Element (ID)" and "Element (Label)" filters as well to include only those IDs and Labels that are of the specified types. ElementTypeLabel IN ('PRV')
Element (Label) A list of the unique [element] labels in the change log. ElementLabel IN ('PMP-1','PMP-2')
Change Type A list of the unique change types in the change log. ChangeType IN ('Modified','Restored')
Context A list of the unique contexts in the change log. ContextLabel IN ('ModelSize500Pipe')
Field A list of the unique fields modified in the change log. FieldLabel IN ('Start Node')
Scenario A list of the unique scenarios in the change log. ScenarioLabel IN ('Base')
Alternative Type A list of the unique alternative types in the change log. AlternativeTypeLabel IN ('Topology')
Alternative A list of the unique alternatives in the change log. AlternativeLabel IN ('Base Topology')
User A list of the unique users in the change log. User IN ('Kris.Culin','Kristopher Culin')

If you turn on multiple filters the WHERE clause will combine the individual pieces into a single filter. For example, if you filter by “Element Type”, “Element (Label)” and “Change Type” you get the combined WHERE clause:

ElementTypeLabel IN ('PRV','Reservoir','Tank') AND ElementLabel IN ('Reservoir') AND ChangeType IN ('Added')

Once the WHERE clause is put into the text field at the bottom of the change log dialog you can manually modify it. If you do not want to use “IN” (which looks for rows that includes the following list) you can change it to “NOT IN” which will exclude rows that use the items.

ElementTypeLabel IN ('PRV','Reservoir','Tank') AND ElementLabel IN ('Reservoir') AND ChangeType NOT IN ('Added')

The above change will look for entries that have types of PRV, Reservoir and Tank and labels of “Reservoir” but change types that are NOT Added.

Filter Behaviors

Element (ID) and Element (Label):

For the Element (ID) and Element (Label) filters, manual loading of the unique values is required. The number of unique IDs and Labels can be very large and this process may take some time to complete. It is best to filter down your log first before loading the unique values for these two filters.

All other filters:

All other filters have a smaller refresh button in the upper-right corner. The default behavior refreshes the filter to show the unique values based on the current view of the change log. You can also retrieve all unique values based on the entire change log by using the drop-down button and clicking "Get All Available Unique Values" menu item.