CivilStorm 2024 Help

Stormwater Flow

While it is possible to directly specify an inflow hydrograph at virtually any node element, users may wish to load models during wet weather with flow that are derived from precipitation. For this approach to be workable, you must specify:

  • Storm Data
  • Catchment characteristics
  • Catchment size
  • Loss method
  • Hydrograph method

Flow calculated from stormwater runoff can only be placed on catchment elements. The methods described in this section are primarily intended for stormwater runoff or the wet weather contribution to combined sewer systems. For sanitary systems, "Rainfall Derived Infiltration and Inflow (RDII)" .

Snowmelt must be converted into equivalent precipitation to use the methods in this section.

The steps in using loss methods and hydrograph methods to generate a hydrograph from precipitation data are summarized in the following diagram.