CivilStorm 2024 Help

Copying and Pasting Data To and From Tables

This topic describes the best practices used to copy and paste data from and to the various tables.

Copying data from a table

There are generally 3 ways to copy data from tables:

  1. The first is to highlight (or select) the data by clicking in the top-left corner of the table. This will highlight all the data in the table including the column headers. When you use the windows short combination, CTRL-C, it will copy the highlighted data to the windows clipboard. The data copied will include the column headers and the rows below it. This also includes the last row which is blank. It will not copy the row headers.
  2. The second approach is to highlight the columns. This is similar to the first approach except it does not highlight the row headers. When you use the CTRL-C combination it will again copy the header data along with the row data including the last blank row.
  3. The best approach for copying the data is to highlight just the rows you want to copy without highlighting the column headers. To do this you can just click on the first row and drag your mouse down while holding the left mouse button. This will highlight the table. When you use the CTRL-C combination in this case it will copy only the data that you want. The column and row headers will not be copied. You can also use the CTRL-<left click> approach to copy non-consecutive rows.

Pasting data into a table

When you paste data into one of our tables you want to make sure you do not include any header data. If you include any non-numerical data a row will be inserted and the default values for the columns will be used in place of any text or non-numerical data that was pasted.

Note: We advise that you delete any rows containing "0" values that may be inadvertently created during a copy-paste operation.