CivilStorm 2024 Help

Rainfall Runoff Alternative for Catchments

The rainfall runoff alternative for catchments allows you to define runoff data for catchment elements. The following columns are available:

Column Description
ID Displays the unique identifier for each element in the alternative.
Label Displays the label for each element in the alternative.
Runoff Hydrograph Provides access to the User-Defined Hydrograph dialog box for the associated element through the Ellipsis (…) button.
Use Local Rainfall Contains check boxes that allow you to specify whether or not the associated catchment uses local rainfall.
Local Storm Contains list boxes that allow you to choose from a list of rainfall curves that have already been set up in the current model. This column is available only when for catchments that Use Local Rainfall.
Duration Lets you define the duration of the storm for each catchment in the alternative. This column is only available for catchments that Use Local Rainfall.
Depth Lets you define the depth of rainfall for each catchment in the alternative. This column is available only when for catchments that Use Local Rainfall.
Return Event Lets you specify the return frequency of the storm for each catchment in the alternative.
Runoff Hydrograph Clicking the Ellipsis ( …) button in this field opens the User Defined Hydrograph editor, allowing you to define a hydrograph for each element in the alternative.