CivilStorm 2024 Help

Creating a New FlexTable

You can create model-level or shared FlexTables.

  • Hydraulic model-level FlexTables are available only for the hydraulic model in which you create them.
  • Shared tables are available in all CivilStorm hydraulic models.

To create a new FlexTable:

Model-level and shared FlexTables are created the same way:

  1. Click View > FlexTables or click the FlexTables button on the View toolbar to open the FlexTables Manager.
  2. In the FlexTables Manager, right-click Tables - Hydraulic Model or Tables - Shared, then select New > FlexTable.
  3. Or, select Tables - Hydraulic Model or Tables - Shared, click the New button, then select FlexTable.
  4. The Table Setup dialog box opens.
  5. Select the Table Type you want to create. This lets you filter your table by element type.
  6. Select the items you want in the FlexTable by moving them to the Selected Columns pane.
  7. Click OK.
  8. The table displays in the FlexTables Manager; you can type to rename the table or accept the default name.