CivilStorm 2024 Help


You can enlarge or reduce your model in the drawing pane using one of the following zoom tools:

Zoom In and Out

The simple Zoom In and Zoom Out commands allow you to increase or decrease, respectively, the zoom level of the current view by one step per mouse click.

To use Zoom In or Zoom Out, click the desired button on the Tools toolbar, or select View > Zoom In or View > Zoom Out.

If your mouse is equipped with a mousewheel, you zoom in or out by simply moving the mousewheel up or down respectively.

Zoom Window

The Zoom Window command lets you zoom in on an area of your model defined by a window that you draw in the drawing pane.

To use Zoom Window, select View > Zoom Window button, then click and drag the mouse inside the drawing pane to draw a rectangle. The area of your model inside the rectangle will appear enlarged.

Zoom Extents

The Zoom Extents command automatically sets the zoom level such that the entire model is displayed in the drawing pane.

To use Zoom Extents, click View > Zoom Extents. The entire model is displayed in the drawing pane.

Zoom Realtime

The Zoom Realtime command lets you dynamically scale up and down the zoom level. The zoom level is defined by the magnitude of mouse movement while the tool is active.

Zoom Previous and Zoom Next

Zoom Previous returns the zoom level to the most recent previous setting. To use Zoom Previous click View > Zoom Previous.

Zoom Next returns the zoom level to the setting that was active before a Zoom Previous command was executed. To use Zoom Next, click View > Zoom Next.