CivilStorm 2024 Help

Query Parameters Dialog Box

The Query Parameters dialog appears when you perform a Network Trace > Upstream or a Network Trace > Downstream query. The network trace query will find all elements that are upstream or downstream of the element chosen in this dialog.

To perform an Upstream Network Trace:

  1. In the Network Navigator, click the Query Selection List button and select Network Trace > Upstream.
  2. In the Query Parameters dialog, click the Downstream Node field and choose Select.
  3. In the drawing pane, click the downstream element. The trace query will find all elements that are upstream of the element chosen here.
  4. Click OK.

To perform a Downstream Network Trace:

  1. In the Network Navigator, click the Query Selection List button and select Network Trace > Downstream.
  2. In the Query Parameters dialog, click the Upstream Node field and choose Select.
  3. In the drawing pane, click the upstream element. The trace query will find all elements that are downstream of the element chosen here.
  4. Click OK.