CivilStorm 2024 Help

Creating a New Profile

To create a new profile:

  1. Click View > Profiles or click the Profiles Manager button on the View toolbar to open the Profiles manager.
  2. Right-click in the Profiles manager and select New, or click the New button.
  3. The Profile Setup dialog box opens. For more information, see "Profile Setup" .
  4. Select the Elements you want to use. You cannot create a profile through gutter or lateral links.
  5. Click Select from Drawing. The Select dialog box appears:

  6. You must select one path of contiguous elements; you cannot select diverging paths. You can select upstream and downstream elements, but if you begin at an upstream element, select downstream, and then make upstream selections to finish, your profile will be V-shaped, with higher elevations at the beginning and end of the profile than in the middle. Instead, what you might want to do is select elements beginning at a high elevation and selecting elements at increasingly lower elevations towards an outfall.
  7. To add elements to the profile, click elements in the drawing pane. (By default, the Add button is active in the Select dialog box.) You can only add elements to either end of your selection—all selected elements must be contiguous.
  8. When there is a plus sign next to the cursor, you can select elements to add to the profile; elements that you successfully select are highlighted red.
  9. To remove elements from the profile, click the Remove button in the Select dialog box. Thereafter, elements you select in the drawing pane are removed from the profile. You can only remove elements from either end of your selection—all selected elements must be contiguous.
  10. When there is a minus sign next to the cursor, you can remove elements from the profile; unselected elements are not highlighted.
  11. When you are finished adding elements to your profile, click the Done button in the Select dialog box.
  12. The Profile Setup dialog box opens and displays a list of the elements you selected. If necessary, use the Reverse button to reverse the order of these elements, and the Select from Drawing or Remove buttons to add or remove elements from the list.
  13. Click Close and Open Profile to close the Profile Setup dialog box and open the Profile Viewer dialog box.
Note: You can edit your list of profile elements at any time and compute your network with the Profile Viewer dialog box open, but you must click Refresh to update the display of that dialog box if you do make changes.
Note: Although you cannot create a profile through lateral links, a profile view will plot any lateral connections into a profiled conduit. The profile view will visualize the elevation of the tap connection, as well as the dimensional size of the lateral link into profile conduit.