CivilStorm 2024 Help

Batch Pipe Split Workflow

We recommend that you thoroughly review and clean up your model to ensure that the results of the batch pipe split operation are as expected.

Note: Cleaning up your model is something that needs to be done with great care. It is best performed by someone who has good familiarity with the model, and/or access to additional maps/personnel/information that will allow you to make the model match the real world system as accurately as possible.

We provide a number of Network Navigator queries that will help you find "potential" problems (see Using the Network Navigator.

  1. Review and clean up your model as much as possible prior to running the "batch split" operation. Run the "duplicate pipes" and "nodes in close proximity" queries first. (Click View > Queries. In the Queries dialog expand the Queries-Predefined tree. The Duplicate Pipes and Nodes in Close Proximity queries are found under the Network Review folder.)
  2. Next, use the network navigator tool to review "pipe split candidates" prior to running batch split.
  3. Using the network navigator tool, run the "pipe split candidates" query to get the list of potential batch split candidate nodes. Take care to choose an appropriate tolerance (feel free to run the query multiple times to settle on a tolerance that works best; jot down the tolerance that you settle on, you will want to use that same tolerance value later when you perform the batch split operation.
  4. Manually navigate to and review each candidate node and use the "network navigator" remove tool to remove any nodes that you do not want to process from the list.
  5. After reviewing the entire list, use the network navigator "select in drawing" tool to select the elements you would like to process.
  6. Run the batch split tool. Choose the "Selection" radio button to only process the nodes that are selected in the drawing. Specify the desired tolerance, and press OK to proceed.