CivilStorm 2024 Help


Gutter-Physical Attributes

Attribute Description
Gutter Type The Gutter Type to use associated with the inlet. The following choices are available:
  • Catalog Gutter: Select a standardized gutter shape from the gutter catalog.
  • Same As Start Node: Will use the same shape parameters as the start node of the gutter provided the node is a catch basin.
  • Same As Stop Node: Will use the same shape parameters as the stop node of the gutter provided the node is a catch basin.
  • Use Gutter Sections: Will define gutter shape by gutter sections generated from the terrain model.
  • User Defined: Specify gutter shape and associated parameters directly on the gutter element.
Gutter Shape The shape of the gutter to use.
Catalog Gutter Select a standardized gutter shape from the gutter catalog.
Maximum Gutter Depth The maximum depth of the gutter.
Irregular Channel Editor Allows you to define the irregular cross section for the gutter.
Right Side Slope The right side slope of the gutter when using the trapezoidal gutter shape.
Left Side Slope The left side slope of the gutter when using the trapezoidal gutter shape.
Bottom Width (Ditch) Enter the distance along the bottom of the ditch.
Road Cross Slope Enter the transverse slope of the road.
Curb Cross Slope The curb cross slope when using the V-Shaped gutter shape.
Depressed Gutter? If True, the gutter slope differs from the road cross slope.
Length The length of the currently highlighted element. This field is available only when the Structure Shape Type attribute is set to Rectangular Structure .
Width The width of the currently highlighted element. This field is available only when the Structure Shape Type attribute is set to Rectangular Structure .
Irregular Channel Lets you define station-elevation points that describe the shape of the irregular channel. Click in the field to display an Ellipsis (…) button, and click the Ellipsis (…) button to use the Irregular Channel dialog box. To use this field, you must set Open Cross-Section attribute to Irregular Channel .
Bottom Width The width at the base of the cross section of the currently highlighted element. To use this field, you must set Open Cross-Section attribute to Trapezoidal Channel .
Gutter Material The name of the material used. Alternatively, clicking the ellipsis button opens the Material Engineering Library, allowing you to select a pre-defined material. If a pre-defined material is chosen, the roughness value will change accordingly.
Manning’s n (Gutter) The Manning’s roughness of the currently highlighted gutter. Click in the field to display an Ellipsis (…) button, and click the Ellipsis (…) button to use the Engineering Library to select a Manning’s n value for the gutter material you are using.
Has User Defined Length? Allows the calculated scaled pipe lengths to be overriden with a user-defined value.
Length (User Defined) The user defined gutter length (not scaled from the underlying map dimensions).
Slope The difference between the start invert and stop invert divided by the length of the channel. This is a calculated results field and is not editable.