CivilStorm 2024 Help


The separation of scenarios into distinct alternatives (groups of data) meets one of the basic goals of scenario management: maximizing the number of scenarios you can develop by mixing and matching existing alternatives. Two other primary goals have also been addressed: a single model file is used, and easy access to input data and calculated results is provided in numerous formats through the intuitive graphical interface.

But what about the other objective: minimizing the amount of data that needs to be duplicated to consider conditions that have a lot of common input? Surely an entire set of pipe diameters should not be re-specified if only one or two change?

The solution is a familiar concept to most people: inheritance.

In the natural world, a child inherits characteristics from a parent. This may include such traits as eye-color, hair color, and bone structure. There are two significant differences between the genetic inheritance that most of us know and the way inheritance is implemented in software: