CivilStorm 2024 Help

Analyzing Improvement Suggestions

To counter the headloss from the increased demand load, two possible improvements are suggested:

  • A much larger diameter is proposed for P-1 (the pipe from the reservoir). This physical alternative is created as a child of the Preliminary Pipes alternative, inheriting all the diameters except P-1’s, which is overridden.
  • Slightly larger diameters are proposed for all pipes. Since there are no commonalities between this recommendation and either of the other physical alternatives, this can be created as a base (root) alternative.

These changes are then incorporated to arrive at the following hierarchies:

This time, the demand alternative hierarchy remains the same since no demands were changed. The two new scenarios (Peak, Big P-1, Peak, All Big Pipes) can be batch run to provide results for these proposed improvements.

Next, features like Scenario Comparison Annotation (from the Scenario Manager) and comparison Graphs (for extended period simulations, from the element editor dialog boxes) can be used to directly determine which proposal results in the most improved pressures.