CivilStorm 2024 Help

LID Control-Results

LID Control-Results Attributes

Attribute Description
Calculation Messages View the calculation messages for the current element.
Evaporation The total evaporation exiting the LID (Surface Evaporation + Soil Evaporation + Storage Evaporation).
Inflow The flow that enters the LID through the Surface layer. This includes runon from the associated catchment and precipitation.
Surface Infiltration The infiltration entering into the Surface layer of the LID unit.
Soil Percolation The rate at which water percolates through the Soil layer of the LID.
Bottom Infiltration The flow exiting the LID unit out of the bottom.
Surface Runoff Flow that exits the LID off of the Surface layer.
Drain Outflow Flow that exits the LID through the Underdrain layer.
Surface Depth Depth of flow on the Surface layer of the LID unit.
Soil/Pavement Moisture The moisture content of the Soil or Pavement layers depending on the LID type.
Storage Depth The depth of flow in the Storage layer of the LID unit.