CivilStorm 2024 Help

Surface Definition for Surface Polylines

The surface definition alternative editor for surface polylines is used to create various data sets for the surface characteristics of surface polylines. Surface polylines include road centerlines and breaklines. The following columns are available:

Column Description
ID Displays the unique identifier for each element in the alternative.
Label Displays the label for each element in the alternative.
SCS CN Adjustment Type Select how a value for CN will be assigned to this area.
SCS CN (User Defined) Specify the SCS Curve Number for the area.
Impermeability Fraction Adjustment Type Select how a value for Impermeability Fraction will be assigned to this area.
Impermeability Fraction (User Defined) The Impermeability Fraction value for this area.
Manning’s n Adjustment Type Select how a value for Manning’s will be assigned to this area.
Manning’s n (User Defined) The Manning’s n value for this area.
Land Cover Type The referenced surface land use catalog to use for this surface polyline.
Type Select the element type for this polyline used in 2D modeling.
Road Width The overall width of road, centered upon the polyline.
Elevation Adjustment Operation Select how the relative elevation adjustment amount will apply to the polyline.
Elevation Adjustment Enter the value for the relative elevation adjustment.