CivilStorm 2024 Help

Custom AutoCAD Entities

The primary AutoCAD-based element entities—conduits, channels, gutters, pressure pipes, manholes, catch basins, outfalls, ponds, catchments, pond outlet structures, cross section nodes, pressure junctions, junction chambers, wet wells, and pumps—are all implemented using ObjectARX custom objects. Thus, they are vested with a specialized model awareness that ensures that any editing actions you perform will result in an appropriate update of the model database.

This means that you can perform standard AutoCAD commands (see "AutoCAD Commands" ) as you normally would, and the model database will be updated automatically to reflect these changes.

It also means that the model will enforce the integrity of the network topological state. Therefore, if you delete a nodal element such as a junction, its connecting pipes will also be deleted since their connecting nodes topologically define model pipes.

Using ObjectARX technology ensures the database will be adjusted and maintained during Undo and Redo transactions.