CivilStorm 2024 Help

Filter Dialog Box

The Filter dialog box lets you specify your filtering criteria. Each filter criterion is made up of three items:

  • Attribute—The attribute to filter.
  • Operator—The operator to use when comparing the filter value against the data in the specific column (operators include: =, >, >=, <, <=, < >).
  • Value—The comparison value.

Any number of criteria can be added to a filter. Multiple filter criteria are implicitly joined with a logical AND statement. When multiple filter criteria are defined, only rows that meet all of the specified criteria will be displayed. A filter will remain active for the associated table until the filter is reset.

The status pane at the bottom of the Table window always shows the number of rows displayed and the total number of rows available (e.g., 10 of 20 elements displayed). When a filter is active, this message will be highlighted.