CivilStorm 2024 Help

Formula Dialog Box

This dialog allows you to define formulas for use with the Real (Formula) User Data Extension type.

You construct the formula using the available fields, operators, and functions. All the dialog box controls are described in the following table.

Fields Lists all input and results fields applicable to the selected element type. This list displays the labels of the fields while the underlying database column names of the fields become visible in the preview pane when you add them to the formula. Double-click a field to add it to your formula.
Operators These buttons represent all of the operators that can be used in the fomula. Click the appropriate button to add the operator to the end of your formula , which is displayed in the preview pane. Besides the common options for options for adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing values , there are also ( ) which allows for more complex formulas, and the caret (^) which is used for raising a value to the power of a value
Available Math Functions Lists mathematical functions that can be used in the formula. If you hover over a function it will describe the number of requied parameters and a brief description of what the function does.
Copy Copies the entire formula displayed in the preview pane to the Windows clipboard.
Paste Pastes the contents of the Windows clipboard into the preview pane at the location of the text cursor. For example, if your cursor is at the end of the formula in the preview pane and you click the Paste button, the contents of your clipboard will be added to the end of the formula.
Validate Checks that the forumla is valid.
Preview Pane Displays the formula as you add fields, operators, and functions to it.