CivilStorm 2024 Help

Sanitary (Dry Weather) Flow Collections

You can define a sanitary (dry weather) flow collection for any node element in your model. A sanitary flow collection can contain any combination of hydrograph, unit, or pattern loads.

To define a sanitary (dry weather) flow collection:

  1. Click an element in your model to display the Property Editor, or right-click an element and select Properties from the shortcut menu.
  2. In the Sanitary Loads section of the Property Editor, click the Ellipses (...) button. The Sanitary (Dry Weather) Flow Collection Editor appears.
  3. Click the New button, then select the type of sanitary load you want to create from the submenu (Hydrograph - Flow vs. Time, Unit Load - Unit Type and Count, or Pattern Load - Base Flow and Pattern).
  4. For a Hydrograph, enter the data points in the hydrograph table. For Unit and Pattern Loads, enter the data in the appropriate fields. For a hydrograph, if the last time in the table is less than the total simulation time, the simulation time and last flow will be appended to the hydrograph table.
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each load you want to add to the collection.
  6. Click the Composite Hydrograph button to see a graph of the composite hydrograph.
  7. Click the Composite HydrographData Table button to see a tabular view of all the data points in the composite hydrograph.
  8. Click OK to close the dialog box and add the collection data to the Property Editor.

Sanitary (Dry Weather) Flow Collection Editor

This dialog box lets you define collections of sanitary (dry weather) loads for the selected element in your model. Sanitary loads correspond to loads produced by residential, commercial, recreational, and industrial activity. A sanitary load represents the base load to the sewer system.

The dialog box contains a list pane and the following controls:

New Opens a submenu containing the following options: Hydrograph - Flow vs. Time --Adds a new hydrograph load to the list pane. This is a flow vs. time distribution. Unit Load - Unit Type and Count --Adds a new unit load to the list pane. Unit Type refers to the type of Unit Load and Count refers to the number of units associated with the unit load. For example, 5000 passengers at an airport. Pattern Load - Base Flow and Pattern --Adds a new pattern load to the list pane. A pattern load is a direct, known sanitary load with a set pattern.
Delete Lets you delete the currently highlighted load.
Report Opens a print preview window containing a report that details the input data for this dialog box.
Composite Hydrograph Opens a graph window plotting a curve of a selected single sanitary load or the composite hydrograph of all loads.
Composite Hydrograph Data Table Opens a window listing all the data points in the curve of a selected single sanitary load or in the composite hydrograph of all loads.

Depending on the type of sanitary load you select in the list pane, the following controls appear:

Hydrograph Table Lets you define the hydrograph by entering Time From Start vs. Sanitary Flow points. This table is available only when a hydrograph load is highlighted in the list pane. If the last time in the table is less than the total simulation time, the simulation time and last flow will be appended to the hydrograph table.
Unit Sanitary Load Lets you select the type of the load (for example Apartment or Airport). Unit sanitary loads are selected, edited, and created in the Unit Sanitary (Dry Weather) Load dialog box, which you access by clicking the ellipsis (...) button next to this field.
Unit Sanitary Loading Unit The local count of loading units for the selected unit sanitary load.
Unit Sanitary Base Flow The average inflow over the duration of the simulation.
Pattern Load Lets you select the pattern for the selected pattern load. Pattern loads are selected, edited, and created in the Pattern Manager, which you access by clicking the ellipsis (...) button next to this field.

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