CivilStorm 2024 Help

Property Grid Customizations

The Property Grid Customizations manager allows you to create customization profiles that define changes to the default user interface. Customization profiles allow you to turn off the visibility of properties in the Properties Editor.

Customization Profiles can be created for a single model or shared across models. There are also a number of predefined profiles.

The Customization Manager consists of the following controls:

New This button opens a submenu containing the following commands: Folder: This command creates a new folder under the currently highlighted node in the list pane. Customization: This command creates a new customization profile under the currently highlighted node in the list pane.
Delete This button deletes the currently highlighted folder or customization profile.
Rename This button allows you to rename the currently highlighted folder or customization profile.
Duplicate This button allows you to create a copy of the currently highlighted customization profile.
Edit Opens the Customization Editor dialog allowing you to edit the currently highlighted customization profile.
Help Opens the online help.