CivilStorm 2024 Help

Step 3-Specify Element Create/Remove/Update Options

Because of the variety of different data sources and they way those sources were created, the user has a wide variety of options to control the behavior of ModelBuilder.

How would you like to handle synchronization between source and destination?:

  • Add objects to destination if present in source (check box)-When this box is checked, ModelBuilder will automatically add new elements to the model for "new" records in the data source when synching in (or vice-versa when synching out).
  • This is checked by default since a user generally wants to add elements to the model (especially if this is the initial run of ModelBuilder). This should be unchecked if new elements have been added to the source file since the model was created but the user does not want them in the model (e.g. proposed piping).
  • Remove objects from destination if missing from source (check box)-When this box is checked, ModelBuilder will delete elements from the model if they do not exist in the data source when synching in (or vice-versa when synching out). This option can be useful if you are importing a subset of elements.
  • This is used if abandoned pipes have been deleted from the source file and the user wants them to automatically be removed from the model by ModelBuilder.
  • Update existing objects in destination if present in source (check box) - If checked, this option allows you to control whether or not properties and geometry of existing model elements will be updated when synching in (or vice-versa when synching out). Turning this option off can be useful if you want to synchronize newly added or removed elements, while leaving existing elements untouched.

If an imported object refers to another object that does not yet exist in the model, should ModelBuilder:

  • Create referenced element automatically? (check box)-When this box is checked, ModelBuilder will create any domain and/or support elements that are referenced during the import process.
Note: These options listed above apply to domain elements (pipes and nodes) as well as support elements (such as Zones or Controls).