CivilStorm 2024 Help

Graph Manager

The Graph Manager lets you recall a graph you have created and saved in the current session or in a previous session of CivilStorm . Graphs listed in the Graph Manager retain any customizations you have applied.

To use the Graph Manager:

  1. Compute your model and resolve any errors. (Press F9 or click Analysis > Compute.)
  2. Open the Graph Manager, click View > Graphs.
  3. Create your graph.
  4. After you create a graph, it is available in the Graph Manager. You can select it by double-clicking it.

Graphs are not saved in Graph Manager after you close CivilStorm .

The Graph Manager contains a toolbar with the following buttons:

New Inserts a new graph of the currently selected elements in your model. If no elements are selected, you are prompted to select one or more elements to graph.
Delete Deletes the currently highlighted graph.
Rename Lets you rename the currently highlighted graph.
View Opens the Graph dialog box, allowing you to view the currently highlighted graph.
Add to Graph Opens a select from drawing toolbar that allows you to select additional elements from the drawing pane to add to the graph.
Select In Drawing Selects the element(s) that are included in the currently highlighted graph in the drawing pane.
Expand All Expand all nodes in the tree.
Collapse All Collapse all nodes in the tree.
Sort When clicked, the graphs and folders current in view are sorted in alphabetical order. To sort graphs within a folder, the folder must be in expanded. The sort order is not saved.
Help Displays online help for the Graph Manager.
Note: If the current scenario is steady-state (or the base condition for fire flow), the default graph is a bar chart for the selected elements where the graph displays pressure if the type has a single pressure (junction, hydrant), HGL for tanks and reservoirs), and flow for those elements which change pressure (e.g. pipes, control valves).

Graphs can now be organized in a hierarchical fashion by adding folders. You can drag-n-drop folders into other folders or move graphs from one folder to another. When opening a previous model, all graphs will appear under "Graphs".

When you right-click Graphs, or another folder, you can create a new folder or add a new graph. The default graph type is a line-series when adding a new graph from the right-click context menu.