Handling Run Errors

If the program/project run finishes successfully, a message will be displayed confirming that the run is complete.

CUBE Voyager returns the following ReturnCodes for a model run.

ReturnCode=0, Model run is successful

ReturnCode=1, Model run is successful but with a warning

ReturnCode=2, Model run is failed with error

ReturnCode=3, Model run was aborted.

Run Status Monitor

If the status of a run fails the Run Status Monitor will list the Error Code under the Details section. Clicking on the Error Code will redirect you to the .PRN of the program that failed.

Application Run Monitor

As an example, if the model run is successful with a warning, it will be displayed in Message Log as below.

If an error is encountered when running a program/project, a Run Failed message will be displayed and the following will be displayed in Message Log. Users can then click on 'View Error' to open the print file or .PRN file of the program that failed.