Precast/Prestressed Girder Help

Analysis Tab

This is the fifth screen in the tab series.

To run an analysis, click Run Analysis. Once the analysis is finished, the results will appear on-screen,as shown below. If needed, use the scroll bar on the right side of the screen to view any results that may not be visible. Use the lists to select what type of results you would like to view. For example, in the Type list, select either load case or envelope results, where load case results are raw data results and envelope results have already been multiplied by the appropriate load factors, reaction factors, impact factors, etc.

Figure 1 Analysis Tab Screen showing results

In Precast/Prestressed Girder, you can print individual results by clicking Print. This activates the Print screen. Here, you can select to send the results to the printer or export the results to an Excel worksheet. Note that if you select the To Excel File option, you must designate a file name in the text box. The analysis factors and design parameters can be modified by clicking the Analysis Factors or Design Parameters buttons to access the Analysis Factors dialog box and the Design Parameters dialog box. These two dialog boxes are explained next.