Bentley i-model Composition Server for PDF Help

Scheduling Jobs To Run Automatically

After you have created a job definition and run it manually at least once to ensure you are getting the expected results, you should set up a schedule to have the job run automatically.

Job schedules are created and edited using the Schedule Job wizard. You can set up how often a job is to run (hourly, daily, weekly, monthly), whether to run it in full or incrementally, specific start times, and the user name and password for the scheduled job.

The user name and password that you specify when setting up the schedule needs to be a valid user name and password for an account on the computer on which Bentley i-model Composition Server for PDF is installed. This user name and password sets the security context in which the job can run. Another user cannot remove the job from the schedule unless the user has the correct user name and password.

Before you can schedule jobs:

  • The Windows Task Scheduler service must be started on the computer on which Bentley i-model Composition Server for PDF is installed.
  • If scheduling jobs remotely, the Windows Remote Registry service must be started on the computer on which Bentley i-model Composition Server for PDF is installed.
  • If scheduling jobs remotely, the user scheduling jobs must have administrative privileges on the computer on which Bentley i-model Composition Server for PDF is installed.

The Job Scheduler window lists all scheduled jobs. You can edit or delete any schedules listed.

A job that is scheduled to run incrementally can be reset at any time, so that the next time it runs it will be run in full, as if it were the first time being run. This also clears the job's history.