Bentley WaterGEMS CONNECT Edition Help

Fixed Flow VSP

Fixed flow VSP enables the user to model a pump that is controlled to deliver a desired amount of flow. This can be a typical control case when a pump is supplying water to an "open" system where a tank is located in the downstream distribution system. It is unlikely that a pump is expected to supply the fixed flow to a "closed" system where no tank is located at the downstream of a pump.

WaterGEMS CONNECT facilitates the fixed flow VSP modeling. It automatically calculates the required pump speed, up to the maximum relative speed factor, to move the required flow through a pump. Multiple vsps can be in parallel and expected to deliver different target flows. To apply this feature, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on a VSP.
  2. Set the attribute Is Variable Speed pump? to True.
  3. Set VSP Type as Fixed Flow.
  4. Specify the maximum relative speed factor.
  5. Specify the Target Flow for the vsp.

In the case of a VSPB, the target flow will be evenly divided among all the lead and lag VSPs.

Note: In some cases, you may encounter a high-frequency oscillation effect when a tank is used as the control node. If this occurs, it is suggested that you use a node near the tank as the control node, rather than the tank itself.