WaterGEMS 2024 Help

Modeling Curved Pipes

You can model curved pipes in WaterGEMS 2024 by using the Bend command, which is available by right-clicking in the Drawing Pane when placing a link element.

The software does not account for any additional head loss due to the curvature because in most cases the increased head loss is negligible. If you feel the extra head loss is significant, it is possible to increase the Manning's n value to account for such losses.

To model a curved pipe:

  1. Select the desired link element using Layout > Link.
  2. Place the first segment of the curved pipe in your model, then right click and select Bend from the shortcut menu.
  3. Repeat Step 2 for each segment in the curved pipe. Be sure to insert bends to clearly show the curved alignment.
  4. When the curved pipe is complete, right click and select the next downstream element.