WaterGEMS 2024 Help

Not Getting Fire Flow at a Junction Node

If the fire flow analysis indicates that the node fails to meet constraints, the fire flow results browser provides insights as to what caused the node to fail.

Perform the following checks if you are not getting expected fire flow results:

  • Check the Available Fire Flow. If it is lower than the Needed Fire Flow, the fire flow conditions for that node are not satisfied. Therefore, Satisfies Fire Flow Constraints is false.
  • Check the Calculated Residual Pressure. If it is lower than the Residual Pressure Constraint, the fire flow condition for that node is not satisfied. Therefore, Satisfies Fire Flow Constraints is false.
  • Check the Calculated Minimum Zone Pressure. If it is lower than the Minimum Zone Pressure Constraint, the fire flow condition for that node is not satisfied. Therefore, Satisfies Fire Flow Constraints is false.
  • If you checked the box for Minimum System Pressure Constraint in the Fire Flow Alternative dialog box, check to see if the Calculated Minimum System Pressure is lower than the set constraint. If it is, Satisfies Fire Flow Constraints is false.
Note: If you are not concerned about the pressure of a node that is NOT meeting the Minimum Zone Pressure constraint, move this node to another zone. Now, the node will not be analyzed as part of the same zone.

If a node is important and is not supplying adequate fire flow (given that it has adequate pressure during normal demands), any failure is usually due to pipes or pumps not having sufficient capacity. You may want to turn on the option to provide auxiliary results for nodes that fail to help diagnose the source of the problem. Set Auxiliary Output > Fire Flow Auxiliary Results type to "Failed Nodes" and save results for nodes with low pressure and pipes with high velocity.