WaterGEMS 2024 Help

Calculate Network

The following steps need to be completed before performing hydraulic calculations for a network:

  1. Click the Analysis toolbar and select Calculation Options.
  2. In the Calculation Options dialog, double-click Base Calculation Options or create a new one and double-click it. This will open the Properties viewer.
  3. In the Properties viewer, set the Time Analysis Type to Steady-State or Extended Period. If Extended Period is selected, then specify the starting time, the duration, and the time step to be used.
  4. Optionally, in Extended Period mode, you may perform a Water Quality Analysis. Set the Calculation Type to Age, Constituent, Trace or Age, or Constituent and Trace.
  5. Optionally, in Steady-State mode, you may also perform a Fire Flow Analysis. Change the Calculation Type to Fire Flow.
  6. Optionally, in the Adjustments section, you may modify the demand, unit demand, or roughness values of your entire network for calibration purposes. If Demand Adjustments, Unit Demand Adjustments, or Roughness Adjustments are set to Active in the Calculation Option properties and adjustments have been specified, the active adjustments will be used. This does not permanently change the value of the input data, but allows you to experiment with different calibration factors until you find the one that causes your calculation results to most closely correspond with your observed field data.
  7. Optionally, verify and/or adjust the settings in Hydraulics section to change the general algorithm parameters used to perform Hydraulic and Water Quality calculations.
  8. Click Validate to ensure that your input data does not contain errors.
  9. Click Compute to start the calculations.