WaterGEMS 2024 Help

Piecewise Linear Dialog Box

This dialog allows you define engineering library entries for Piecewise Linear Curves.

The following buttons are located above the curve points table on the left:

  • New-Creates a new row in the curve points table.
  • Delete-Deletes the currently highlighted row from the curve points table.

The curve points table contains the following columns:

  • Percent of Pressure Threshold-defines the percentage of a nodal pressure to reference pressure.
  • Percent of Reference Demand- defines the percentage of a nodal demand to reference demand.

Piecewise Linear is a table of reference pressure percentage vs. reference demand percentage. The last entry value of reference pressure is the greatest that defines the threshold pressure. If the last pressure percentage is less than 100%, the threshold pressure is equal to the reference pressure. If the last pressure percentage is greater than 100%, the threshold pressure is the multiplication of the reference pressure with the greatest pressure percentage.