WaterGEMS 2024 Help

Junction Attributes

  • ID: Unique identifier assigned to this element.
  • Label: Descriptive label for this element.
  • Notes: Additional information about this element.
  • GIS-IDs: List of associated IDs on the GIS/data-source side.
  • Hyperlinks: Associate one or more web link, photo, word processing document, or other file with this element.
  • Specify Local Fire Flow Constraints?: If set to true then local fire flow constraints which override the global values can be set for the current junction.
  • Fire Flow (Needed): The flow rate required at the junction to meet fire flow demands. This value will be added to or replace the junctions baseline demand, depending on the default setting for applying fire flows as specified in the Fire Flow Alternative dialog box.
  • Fire Flow (Upper Limit): This input defines the maximum allowable fire flow that a junction can provide and the maximum allowable fire flow that can occur at any single withdrawal location.
  • Pressure (Residual Lower Limit): Minimum residual pressure to occur at the junction node. The program determines the amount of fire flow available such that the residual pressure at the junction node does not fall below this target pressure.
  • Pressure (Zone Lower Limit): Minimum pressure to occur at all junction nodes within the Zone you are testing. The model determines the available fire flow such that the minimum zone pressures do not fall below this target pressure.
  • Pressure (System Lower Limit): Minimum pressure allowed at any junction in the entire system as a result of the fire flow withdrawal. If a node's pressure anywhere in the system falls below this constraint while withdrawing fire flow, fire flow will not be satisfied.
  • Use Velocity Constraint: If set to true, then a velocity constraint can be specified for the node.
  • Velocity (Upper Limit): Maximum velocity allowed in the associated pipe set.
  • Use Minimum System Pressure Constraints?: If set to true then the fire flow analysis by pressure throughout the entire system.
  • Emitter Coefficient: Discharge coefficient for an emitter (sprinkler or nozzle) placed at junction. Units are flow units at 1 unit of pressure drop (psi or m). Leave blank or set to 0 if no emitter is present.
  • Percent of Demand that is Pressure Dependent: The percent of demand that is pressure dependent for the current junction. Overrides the global value that is set in the pressure dependent demand alternative
  • Pressure (Reference): Overrides the reference pressure defined in the pressure dependent demand alternative for the current junction.
  • Local Function: Defines the relationship between the pressure and the demand for the current junction. This function will be used instead of the global function defined in the pressure dependent demand alternative.
  • Use Local Pressure Dependent Demand Data?: If set to true, then pressure dependent demand parameters that override the global default values can be set for the current junction.
  • Vapor Volume (Initial): Volume of vapour at the node at the start of the transient simulation. If volume is nonzero, then liquid is at the vapour pressure. Only applicable at dead ends.
  • Pressure Drop (Typical): Pressure drop across the orifice corresponding to the initial/typical flow.
  • Flow (Typical): If the initial flow is zero, then this is a typical (positive) flow.
  • Demand Collection: A collection of baseline demands and associated temporal patterns.
  • Unit Demand Collection: A collection of unit demands, associated unit counts, and temporal patterns.
  • Elevation: Elevation at centroid of junctions, valves, and pumps; the ground elevation at tanks; the hydraulic grade at reservoirs.
  • Trace (Initial): Specify the initial trace amount at the current location.
  • Zone: Specify the zone for the element.
  • Concentration (Initial): Specify the initial concentration for the global concentration at the selected element.
  • Is Constituent Source?: If true then the selected node can inject a set concentration of the global constituent into the system.
  • Pattern (Constituent): Specify the pattern which dictates how the injected constituent concentration varies over time.
  • Constituent Source Type: Choices: Concentration, Flow Paced Booster, Setpoint Booster, Mass Booster
  • Concentration (Base): This data field allows you to specify the corresponding constituent concentration at this node over time.
  • Mass Rate (Base): This data field allows you to specify the corresponding constituent mass rate at this node over time.
  • Age (Initial): Specify the initial age of the fluid at the selected element.
  • Pressure: Calculated pressure at node.
  • Pressure Head: Calculated pressure head at node.
  • Demand Shortage: Difference between the target demand and the demand the system can supply during the current time step.
  • Demand (Cumulative): Total required demand volume at current node up to the current time step.
  • Supply (Cumulative): Total volume of flow that the system can actually supply up to the current time step.
  • Shortfall (Cumulative): The cumulative difference in volume between the target demand and the flow supplied up to the current time step.
  • Supply Rate (Cumulative): The cumulative ratio of supply/demand up to the current time step.
  • Demand (Target): The demand required at the node. Calculated from the nodes input data.
  • Satisfies Fire Flow Constraints?: Set to true if hydraulic calculations met accuracy constraints within the allotted number of trials.
  • Fire Flow (Available): Amount of flow available for fire protection while maintaining all fire flow pressure constraints.
  • Pressure (Calculated Residual): Calculated pressure at the junction node during the fire flow withdrawal.
  • Pressure (Calculated Zone Lower Limit): Minimum calculated pressure of all junctions in the same zone as this junction.
  • Junction w/ Minimum Pressure (Zone): Label of the junction corresponding to the minimum zone pressure.
  • Pressure (Calculated System Lower Limit): Minimum calculated pressure of all junctions in the system.
  • Junction w/ Minimum Pressure (System): Junction corresponding to the minimum system pressure.
  • Is Fire Flow Run Balanced?: If set to true then the fire flow analysis was able to solve.
  • Fire Flow Iterations: Number of iterations required to hone in on the fire flow result.
  • Flow (Total Needed): If fire flow is added to baseline demand this equals the sum of the calculated demand and the needed fire flow, otherwise is equivalent to the needed fire flow.
  • Flow (Total Available): If fire flow is added to the baseline demand this equals the sum of the calculated demand and the available fire flow at the node, otherwise it is equivalent to the available fire flow.
  • Fire Flow (Total Upper Limit): If fire flow is added to base line, this equals the sum of the demand at the junction plus the fire flow upper limit, otherwise it is equivalent to the fire flow upper limit.
  • Junction w/ Minimum Pressure (Zone @ Total Flow Needed): If baseline flow is added to demand, this represents the junction with the minimum pressure in the zone as a result of the total needed demand and fire flow.
  • Pressure (Calculated Residual @ Total Flow Needed): Lower limit for system pressure at node.
  • Pressure (Calculated Zone Lower Limit @ Total Flow Needed): Lower limit for pressure in zone at node
  • Pipe w/ Maximum Velocity: Label of pipe with max velocity
  • Velocity of Maximum Pipe: Velocity in pipe with highest velocity.
  • Demand (Minimum): Minimum demand at node over the course of the simulation.
  • Demand (Maximum): Maximum demand at node over the course of the simulation.
  • Hydraulic Grade (Maximum): Maximum calculated hydraulic grade at node over the course of the simulation.
  • Hydraulic Grade (Minimum): Minimum calculated hydraulic grade at node over the course of simulation.
  • Pressure (Minimum): Minimum pressure at node over the course of the simulation.
  • Pressure (Maximum): Maximum pressure at node over the course of the simulation.
  • Age (Minimum): Minimum age at node over the course of the simulation.
  • Age (Maximum): Maximum age at node over the course of the simulation.
  • Trace (Minimum): Minimum trace at node over the course of the simulation.
  • Trace (Maximum): Maximum trace at node over the course of the simulation.
  • Concentration (Minimum): Minimum concentration at node over the course of the simulation.
  • Concentration (Maximum): Minimum concentration at node over the course of the simulation.
  • Demand: Total calculated demand at selected element.
  • Demand Adjusted Population: Population of area supplied by current node. This value is derived from the unit demand loads applied to the collection and their equivalent populations.
  • Hydraulic Grade: Calculated hydraulic grade at node.
  • Age (Calculated): Age at selected element for current time step.
  • Trace (Calculated): Trace at selected element for current time step.
  • Concentration (Calculated): Concentration at selected element for current time step.
  • Has Calculation Messages Now?: If true then the current element has associated calculation warning messages for the current time step.
  • Head (Maximum, Transient): Maximum head at node over the course of the transient simulation.
  • Head (Minimum, Transient): Minimum head at node over the course of the transient simulation.
  • Pressure (Maximum, Transient): Maximum pressure at node over the course of the transient simulation.
  • Pressure (Minimum, Transient): Minimum pressure at node over the course of the transient simulation.
  • Air Volume (Maximum, Transient): Maximum air volume at node over the course of the transient simulation. Not applicable to Reservoirs and Rating curves.
  • Vapor Volume (Maximum, Transient): Maximum vapor volume at node over the course of the transient simulation. Not applicable to Reservoirs and Rating curves.