WaterGEMS 2024 Help

Calibration Solutions

After computing an optimized or manual run, one or more solutions will appear in the calibration study list pane. Highlighting a solution makes the following tabs available on the right side of the dialog:

Solution Tab - The Solution tab displays the adjusted values for each adjustment group along with a comparison of the original and adjusted value for each element within each adjustment group. The solution results are filtered by Adjustment Group Type; click the desired type in the Adjustment Group Type pane.

Simulated Results Tab - The Simulated Results tab displays the simulated HGL or flow against the observations you recorded in your field data and the difference between the observed and simulated values. The solution results are filtered by attribute type; click the desired type in the Attribute pane.

Additionally, when a solution is highlighted in the calibration study list pane, the following controls become available:

  • Export to Scenario - Click the Export to Scenario button to export the currently selected Calibration solution to the water flow model. This opens the Export Calibration to Scenario dialog box (for more information, see Calibration Export to Scenario Dialog Box).
  • Report - Click the Report button to display a print preview of the solutions data window.
  • Graph - Click Graph button to see a graph of your observed data sets versus the HGL correlation between the Simulated and Observed HGL.