WaterGEMS 2024 Help

Flow Constraints Tab

Use this tab to define flow boundary conditions for a junction or set of junctions.

  • New: Click to add a new design event. Opens the Select Snapshot box where you can select a new design event or an existing design event.
  • Duplicate: Click to create a copy of the selected design event. This can be an efficient way to create a new design event that has many of the attributes of an existing event.
  • Delete: Click to delete the selected design event.
  • Initialize Table from Selection Set: Click to open the Initialize Table from Selection Set box where you can choose the Selection Set and the Design Event.

The table consists of the following columns:

  • Design Event: The name of the event.
  • Pipe: Click the ellipsis to select the pipe from the drawing.
  • Min. Velocity: Set a minimum velocity that you require for the selected set of pipes. Violations of this boundary are displayed when you calculate your network.
  • Max. Velocity: Set a maximum velocity that you require for the selected set of pipes. You can set this to an unusually high value if needed. Violations of this boundary are displayed when you calculate your network.
  • Consider Pressure Benefit?: Select this check box if you want the genetic algorithm to consider the benefits provided to your design by higher system pressures.

To create a new Design Event:

  1. Select the Scenario to base your design.
  2. Click New.
  3. Select the new event in the Label field and click rename.
  4. Type a name for the design event and then click OK.
  5. Enter the data to define the design event.