WaterGEMS 2024 Help

User Notifications

User notifications are messages about your model. These messages can warn you about potential issues with your model, such as slopes that might be too steep or elements that slope in the wrong direction. These messages also point you to errors in your model that prevent the software from solving your model.

To see user notifications:

  1. Compute your model.
  2. If needed, open the User Notification manager by clicking Analysis > User Notifications.
  3. Or, if the calculation fails to compute because of an input error, when your model is finished computing, the software prompts you to view user notifications to validate the input data.
  4. You must fix any errors identified by red circles before the software can compute a result.
  5. Errors identified by orange circles are warnings that do not prevent the computation of the model.
  6. In the User Notifications manager, if a notification pertains to a particular element, you can double-click the notification to magnify and display the element in the center of the drawing pane.
  7. As needed, use the element label to identify the element that generates the error and use the user notification message to edit the element’s properties to resolve the error.