WaterGEMS 2024 Help

Flushing Operator's Report

The output report is intended to be prepared by a modeler and given to field operations crews so that they have explicit direction on which elements to operate. Before opening the operator's report button, the modeler should:

  1. Set up the desired background layer.
  2. Decide the extent of the view to display and, if additional more detailed views are desired, set up those views.
  3. Include detailed notes to help the operators locate the elements (e.g. an operator may not know where H-21 is located but will know "Hydrant in front of 31 Elm St."). Use the Notes field to specify this text.

The operator report consists of three types of pages for each event:

  1. Tabular description of the event indicating which elements to operate.
  2. Plan of the entire event.
  3. (Optional) Additional detailed plan secondary views of intersections where more detail is desired.

In addition to the default drawing of the event, the user can create "Secondary Views" which may for example, zoom in to details of a complex intersection. To do this, right click on Report Views in the left pane and pick Add Secondary View. The draw a box around the extents of the secondary view and click Select New Report View.

The view that appears when the report is opened is called a Preview. With this preview it is possible to:

  • Change page setup
  • Print
  • Export to a variety of file formats including pdf and txt file
  • Transmit via email

The report can be saved and it is possible to zoom and pan within the document.

The report by default is set up for landscape printing. However, the user has a great deal of flexibility in printing, (e.g. printing two landscape pages on a simple portrait page) using the buttons on top of the report preview.

In addition to instructions to operators, the report also contains fields where operators can record the event such as time of flushing and actual flushing flows.

The reports are intended for color printing as it may be difficult to distinguish between elements in grayscale.