WaterGEMS 2024 Help

Flushing Work Flow

Before setting up flushing events in the model, the user should decide on the criteria for flushing, the portion of the system that will be flushed, and have some idea of the approach to be used. The user may want to initially try conventional flushing to determine if adequate velocity can be achieve with that approach. Then areas with inadequate velocity can be addressed using uni-directional flushing in another "study" within the flushing manager. However, the user may use uni-directional flushing the start, if high velocities are required.

The overall work flow for modeling flushing is shown below:

To perform an analysis of a set of flushing events (i.e. a flushing area), the user must create flushing events. Upon opening the flushing manager initially and selecting New, there will be a default study "Flushing Study" which will have one area called "Base Flushing" in the left pane.

The user creates new studies or areas by right clicking on the study node in the left pane. Right clicking on the area node creates new areas or events.

Within a flushing area, the user defines the representative scenario, target velocity and shear stress, pipe set, method to determine flow (emitter or flow) and auxiliary output if desired. It is a good idea to create a selection set corresponding to the pipe set before entering the flushing browser.

The user then creates events within an area. Conventional events are made up of the hydrant (or junction) to be flowed while UDF events are made up of flowed elements, controlled (closed) elements and pipe runs. The user can also identify the extent of the drawing that will appear in the optional reports.

Once the events have been defined, the user can compute the flushing events for either the study, the flushing area, or an individual event depending on which row of the left pane is highlighted when the Compute button is picked. The results can be reviewed with the Flushing Results Browser which presents results based on events or the Flushing Results Flex Table which presents results based on pipes.

The user can then optionally prepare a report for the operators who will conduct the flushing containing instructions and drawings for each event.

When creating areas and events, the user is encouraged to use the Notes fields provided to give field operators information as to the location of elements to be operated. For example, an operator may not know where hydrant H-237 is but can find "Hydrant on south east side of intersection of Cherry St. and Ford Road".

For best performance, it is recommended that the user have dual monitors such that the model can be shown on one monitor while the managers and dialogs are shown on the other.

Before opening the Flushing Manager, it is best to set up the color coding that will be used to view flushing. Pipes can be colored by velocity or shear stress. Junctions can be colored by demand so that the flowed hydrant shows up large and colorful next to the other junctions. It is best to use both color and size