WaterGEMS 2024 Help

Surge Valve Attributes

  • ID: Unique identifier assigned to this element.
  • Label: Descriptive label for this element.
  • Notes: Additional information about this element.
  • GIS-IDs: List of associated IDs on the GIS/data-source side.
  • Hyperlinks: Associate one or more web link, photo, word processing document, or other file with this element.
  • Diameter (SAV): The valve's characteristics are determined by its Cv and type, so that the diameter is only used for descriptive purposes.
  • Threshold Pressure (SAV): Pressure below which the SAV opens.
  • Time for SAV to Open: Time for the SAV to open fully after being triggered.
  • Time SAV Stays Fully Open: Time that SAV remains fully open (i.e., time between the end of the opening phase and the start of the closing phase).
  • Time for SAV to Close: Time for the SAV to close fully, measured from the time that it was completely open.
  • Discharge Coefficient (when SAV Fully Open): Discharge coefficient, Cv, is defined as: Flow / (Pressure Drop) ^ 0.5.
  • Threshold Pressure (SRV): Pressure above which the SRV opens.
  • Diameter (SRV): The diameter of the SRV.
  • Spring Constant (SRV): Change in restoring force of the return spring per unit lift off seat. A possible value is 150 lb/in. (26.27 N/mm).
  • SAV / SRV Type: Choices: Surge Anticipator Valve, Surge Relief Valve, Surge Anticipator & Relief Valve
  • Valve Type: Choices: Needle, Circular Gate, Globe, Ball, Butterfly
  • SAV Closure Trigger: Choices: Time, Threshold Pressure
  • Elevation: Elevation at centroid of junctions, valves, and pumps; the ground elevation at tanks; the hydraulic grade at reservoirs.
  • Trace (Initial): Specify the initial trace amount at the current location.
  • Zone: Specify the zone for the element.
  • Concentration (Initial): Specify the initial concentration for the global concentration at the selected element.
  • Is Constituent Source?: If true then the selected node can inject a set concentration of the global constituent into the system.
  • Pattern (Constituent): Specify the pattern which dictates how the injected constituent concentration varies over time.
  • Constituent Source Type: Choices: Concentration, Flow Paced Booster, Setpoint Booster, Mass Booster
  • Concentration (Base): This data field allows you to specify the corresponding constituent concentration at this node over time.
  • Mass Rate (Base): This data field allows you to specify the corresponding constituent mass rate at this node over time.
  • Age (Initial): Specify the initial age of the fluid at the selected element.
  • Pressure: Calculated pressure at node.
  • Pressure Head: Calculated pressure head at node.
  • Hydraulic Grade: Calculated hydraulic grade at node.
  • Age (Calculated): Age at selected element for current time step.
  • Trace (Calculated): Trace at selected element for current time step.
  • Concentration (Calculated): Concentration at selected element for current time step.
  • Has Calculation Messages Now?: If true then the current element has associated calculation warning messages for the current time step.
  • Head (Maximum, Transient): Maximum head at node over the course of the transient simulation.
  • Head (Minimum, Transient): Minimum head at node over the course of the transient simulation.
  • Pressure (Maximum, Transient): Maximum pressure at node over the course of the transient simulation.
  • Pressure (Minimum, Transient): Minimum pressure at node over the course of the transient simulation.
  • Air Volume (Maximum, Transient): Maximum air volume at node over the course of the transient simulation. Not applicable to Reservoirs and Rating curves.
  • Vapor Volume (Maximum, Transient): Maximum vapor volume at node over the course of the transient simulation. Not applicable to Reservoirs and Rating curves.