WaterGEMS 2024 Help

Using Sparklines

In FlexTable reports, the result columns only show the result value at the current time step. To visualize how the results vary over time, the graphing feature can be used to draw the results; while this method works for individual elements, there is no easy way to see the results over time for all elements at the same time. To address this, the Sparkline feature has been added. When Sparklines are turned on, a results column is added to the FlexTable that displays a miniature graph of the result values over time.

To turn on Sparklines for a result attribute, create your FlexTable as usual, then right click the column heading for the desired result attribute and select Show Sparklines from the context menu.

When there is a currently active Sparklines column, you can right click the column heading and select Sparkline Settings to change the display settings for the graphs. See Sparkline Settings.

To turn Sparklines off, right click the attribute heading and select Hide Sparklines.