WaterGEMS 2024 Help

Controlling Results Output

You can limit the output data that is written to the result file from the WaterGEMS 2024 engine. Limiting the reported results in this way will produce a smaller result file, thereby improving performance when copying results files during open and save operations. It also conserves hard disk space.

By default, the Reporting Time Step Type calculation option is set to <All>. Under this setting, all results for all time steps are written to the results file.

To limit the output results to a specific interval (such as every 2 hours, every 4 hours, etc) set the Reporting Time Step Type calculation option to Constant. The Reporting Time Step calculation option will become available. Enter the constant interval at which output results should be written to the results file in this field.

To limit the output results to specific time steps, set the Reporting Time Step Type calculation option to Variable. The Reporting Time Steps calculation option will become available. Click the elipsis (...) button in this field to open the Reporting Time Steps dialog.