WaterGEMS 2024 Help

Print Preview Window

The Print Preview window can be used to print documents, such as reports and graphs. You can see the current view of the document as it will be printed and define the print settings.

The following controls are available in the Print Preview window:

Search Opens a Find dialog, allowing you to search for specified terms in the document.
Open Opens a previously saved Preview Document File (.prnx).
Save Saves the current prview as a Preview Document File
Print Opens a Print dialog, allowing you to choose the printer, pages to be printed, and number of copies.
Quick Print Prints the document using the default printer.
Page Setup Opens the Page Seuip dialog, allowing you to specify the page setup settings, including page size, orientation, and margins.
Scale Opens a submenu that allows you to set the document scale.
Hand Tool Clicking this button toggles the Hand tool, which allows you to move the page around.
Magnifier Clicking this button toggles the Magnifier tool, which allows you to zoom the document view.
Zoom Out Zooms the page out.
Zoom Displays the current zoom; also allows you choose the current zoom level.
Zoom In Zooms the page in.
First Page Sets the view to the first page of the document.
Previous Page Sets the view to the previous page of the document.
Next Page Sets the view to the next page of the document.
Last Page Sets the view to the last page of the document.
Multiple Pages Opens a submenu that allows you to define the number of pages that are viewed at once.
Color Opens a submenu that allows you to choose the background color of the document.
Watermark Opens the Watermark dialog, allowing you to define the watermark settings.
Export Document Opens the Export dialog, which allows you to define the export settings and export the document as one of the following document types: PDF (.pdf) HTML (.html) MHT (.mht) RTF (.rtf) Excel (.xls) CSV (.csv) Text (.txt) Image (.bmp, .gif, .jpg, .png, .tiff, .emf, .wmf)
Send via Email Opens the Export dialog, which allows you to define the export settings and export the document as one of the following document types: PDF (.pdf) HTML (.html) MHT (.mht) RTF (.rtf) Excel (.xls) CSV (.csv) Text (.txt) Image (.bmp, .gif, .jpg, .png, .tiff, .emf, .wmf) After the file is exported it is attached to an email, which you can then send using the specified email address and other settings.
Exit Closes the Print Preview dialog.