WaterGEMS 2024 Help

Orifice Between Pipes Attributes

  • ID: Unique identifier assigned to this element.
  • Label: Descriptive label for this element.
  • Notes: Additional information about this element.
  • GIS-IDs: List of associated IDs on the GIS/data-source side.
  • Hyperlinks: Associate one or more web link, photo, word processing document, or other file with this element.
  • Pressure Drop (Typical): Pressure drop corresponding to the typical flow.
  • Flow (Typical): This is a typical (positive) flow through the orifice or valve.
  • Elevation: Elevation at centroid of junctions, valves, and pumps; the ground elevation at tanks; the hydraulic grade at reservoirs.
  • Concentration (Initial): Specify the initial concentration for the global concentration at the selected element.
  • Age (Initial): Specify the initial age of the fluid at the selected element.
  • Installation Year: Specify the install year of the element. It does not affect the calculations.
  • Trace (Initial): Specify the initial trace amount at the current location.
  • Zone: Specify the zone for the element.
  • Flow: Total flow through the orifice.
  • Headloss: Change in head across orifice.
  • Hydraulic Grade (From): Calculated hydraulic grade at the entrance of the orifice.
  • Hydraulic Grade (To): Calculated hydraulic grade at the exit of the orifice.
  • Pressure (From): Calculated pressure at the entrance of the orifice.
  • Pressure (To): Calculated pressure at the exit to the orifice.
  • Flow (Absolute): Magnitude of flow through the selected orifice.
  • Age (Calculated): Age at selected element for current time step.
  • Trace (Calculated): Trace at selected element for current time step.
  • Concentration (Calculated): Concentration at selected element for current time step.
  • Has Calculation Messages Now?: If true then the current element has associated calculation warning messages for the current time step.
  • Is Closed?: True if the current element is closed during the current time step.
  • Is Open?: Set to true if open during the current time step.
  • Is Initially Closed?: If true, the initial condition for the control element is "Closed" or "Off."
  • Controlled?: Is true if a control action in the current control set references the selected element.
  • Cannot Deliver Flow or Head?: If true then the cannot deliver head or cannot deliver flow warning was generated for the element for the current time step.
  • Head (Maximum, Transient): Maximum head at node over the course of the transient simulation.
  • Head (Minimum, Transient): Minimum head at node over the course of the transient simulation.
  • Pressure (Maximum, Transient): Maximum pressure at node over the course of the transient simulation.
  • Pressure (Minimum, Transient): Minimum pressure at node over the course of the transient simulation.
  • Air Volume (Maximum, Transient): Maximum air volume at node over the course of the transient simulation. Not applicable to Reservoirs and Rating curves.
  • Vapor Volume (Maximum, Transient): Maximum vapor volume at node over the course of the transient simulation. Not applicable to Reservoirs and Rating curves.