WaterGEMS 2024 Help

General Tab

Use the General tab to modify basic formatting and relationships with axes for series in a graph. The General tab contains the following controls:

Show in Legend Lets you show the series title in the legend. To use this feature, the legend style has to be Series or LastValues.
Cursor Lets you specify what your cursor looks like. Select a cursor type from the drop-down list, then click Close to close the TeeChart editor, and the new cursor style displays when the cursor is over the graph.
Depth Lets you set the depth of the three-dimensional effect (see 3D Tab).
Auto Lets you automatically size the three-dimensional effect. clear and then select this check box to reset the depth of the three-dimensional effect.
Values Controls the format of the values displayed when marks are on and they contain actual numeric values
Percents Controls the format of the values displayed when marks are on and they contain actual numeric values.
Horizontal Axis Lets you define which axis belongs to a given series, since you can have multiple axes in a chart.
Vertical Axis Lets you define which axis belongs to a given series, since you can have multiple axes in a chart.
Date Time This is unused by WaterGEMS 2024.
Sort Sorts the points in the series using the labels list.