WaterGEMS 2024 Help

ModelBuilder Connections Manager

ModelBuilder can be used in any of the WaterGEMS 2024 platforms - Stand-Alone, MicroStation mode, AutoCAD mode, or ArcGIS mode.

To access ModelBuilder: Click the Tools menu and select the ModelBuilder command, or click the ModelBuilder button

The ModelBuilder Connections manager allows you to create, edit, and manage ModelBuilder connections to be used in the model-building/model-synchronizing process. Each item in this manager represents a "connection" which contains the set of directions for moving data between a source to a target. ModelBuilder connections are not stored in a particular hydraulic model, but are stored in an external xml file, with the following path:


At the center of this window is the Connections List which displays the list of connections that you have defined.

There is a toolbar located along the top of the Connections list.

The set of buttons on the left of the toolbar allow you to manage your connections:

Import/Export Click this button to import or export a ModelBuilder Connection file (.mbc).
New Create a new connection using the ModelBuilder Wizard.
Edit Edit the selected connection using the ModelBuilder Wizard.
Rename Rename the selected connection.
Duplicate Create a copy of the selected connection.
Delete Permanently Remove the selected connection.
Sync In To Model Allows you to selectively modify only the elements in a selection set (or the current selection). Clicking the arrow on the button opens a submenu providing the option to Sync-In to Model into model or Sync-In By Selection. If Sync-In By Selection is chosen, the Select Elements dialog opens.
Sync Out Starts the ModelBuilder synchronize process using the selected connection. Unless specifically overridden, a Sync Out operation will only work for existing and new elements. On a Sync Out every element in your target data source that also exists in your model will be refreshed with the current model values. If your model contains elements that aren't contained in your data source, those data rows can optionally be added to your target data file. Only those properties specified with field mappings will be synchronized out to the data source. A Sync Out operation will refresh element properties in the data source with the current model values for the current scenario/alternative.
Help Displays online help.

When ModelBuilder completes, you will be presented with a summary window that outlines important information about the build process. We recommend that you save this summary so that you can refer to it later.

Note: Because the connections are stored in a separate xml file rather than with the hydraulic model file, ModelBuilder connections are preserved even after WaterGEMS 2024 is closed.