WaterGEMS 2024 Help

Scenarios Manager

The Scenario Manager allows you to create, edit, and manage an unlimited number of scenarios. There is one built-in default scenario—the Base scenario. If you want, you only have to use this one scenario. However, you can save yourself time by creating additional scenarios that reference the alternatives needed to perform and recall the results of each of your calculations.

The Scenario Manager consists of a hierarchical tree view and a toolbar. The tree view displays all of the scenarios in the hydraulic model. If the Property Editor is open, clicking a scenario in the list causes the alternatives that make up the scenario to open. If the Property Editor is not open, you can display the alternatives and scenario information by selecting the desired scenario and right-clicking on Properties.

New Scenario Opens a submenu containing the following commands: Child Scenario —creates a new Child scenario from the currently selected Base scenario. Base Scenario —creates a new Base scenario.
Delete Removes the currently selected scenario, greyed out on the menu bar when Base Scenario is active.
Rename Renames the currently selected scenario.
Compute Scenario Opens a submenu containing the following command: Scenario —calculates the currently selected scenario.
Make Current Causes the currently selected scenario to become the active one and displays it in the drawing pane.
Expand All Opens all scenarios within all folders in the list.
Collapse All Closes all of the folders in the list.
Help Displays online help for the Scenario Manager.
Note: When you delete a scenario, you are not losing data records because scenarios never actually hold calculation data records (alternatives do). The alternatives and data records referenced by that scenario exist until you explicitly delete them. By accessing the Alternative Manager, you can delete the referenced alternatives and data records.