WaterCAD 2024 Help

WaterCAD Hydraulic Models

All data for a model are stored in WaterCAD 2024 as a hydraulic model. WaterCAD 2024 hydraulic model files have the file name extension .wtg. You can assign a title, date, notes and other identifying information about each hydraulic model using the Hydraulic Model Properties dialog box. You can have up to five WaterCAD 2024 hydraulic models open at one time.

To Start a New Hydraulic Model

To start a new hydraulic model, choose File > New or press <Ctrl+N>. An untitled hydraulic model is opened in the drawing pane.

To Open an Existing Hydraulic Model

To open an existing hydraulic model, choose File > Open or press <Ctrl+O>. A dialog box opens allowing you to browse for the hydraulic model you want to open.

To Switch Between Multiple Hydraulic Models

To switch between multiple open hydraulic models, select the appropriate tab at the top of the drawing pane. The file name of the hydraulic model is displayed on the tab.