WaterCAD 2024 Help

Batch Pipe Split Dialog Box

The Batch Pipe Split dialog allows you to split pipes with neighboring nodes that are found within the specified tolerance.

Choose Features to Process Allows you to specify which pipes to include in the split operation. The following options are available: All : All pipes in the model that have a neighboring node within the specified tolerance will be split by that junction. Selection : Only the pipes that are currently selected in the drawing pane will be split by a neighboring junction that lies within the specified tolerance. Selection Set : Only those pipes that are contained within the selection set specified in the drop down list will be split by a neighboring junction that lies within the specified tolerance.
Allow splitting with inactive nodes When this box is checked, nodes that are marked Inactive will not be ignored during the split operation.
Tolerance This value is used to determine how close a pipe must be to a node in order for the pipe to be split by that junction.

Pipes will be split by every junction that falls within the specified tolerance. To prevent unwanted pipe splits, first use the Network Navigator’s "Network Review > Pipe Split Candidates" query to verify that the tolerance you intend to use for the Batch Split operation will not include nodes that you do not want involved in the pipe split operation.

To use the Network Navigator to assist in Batch Pipe Split operations

  1. Open the Network Navigator.
  2. Click the [>] button and select the Network Review...Pipe Split Candidates query.
  3. In the Query Parameters dialog box, type the tolerance you will be using in the pipe split operation and click OK.
  4. In the Network Navigator, highlight nodes in the list that you do not want to be included in the pipe split operation and click the Remove button.
  5. Click the Select In Drawing button.
  6. Open the Batch Pipe Split dialog.
  7. Click the Selection button.
  8. Type the tolerance you used in the Network Review query and click OK.