Bentley View Help

Function Key Menus

A function key menu is a file that contains keyboard function key definitions — assignments of actions to function keys. Function key definitions contain action strings that cause an action to occur when you press the function keys.

The default function key menu is funckey.mnu, which is installed in ..\Default\Data\ folder of Bentley View's program directory.

The Function Keys dialog (「ファイル」 > 「設定」 > 「ユーザー」 > 「ファンクションキー」) is used to modify function key menus. You also can define new function keys — using the <F1> through <F12> function keys along with the <Ctrl>, <Alt>, and <Shift> keys — and add them to function key menus.

The following is the list of system default function key definitions.

Key Description of the Action
<F1> Opens Help for the active dialog.
<F2> Displays the keytips for tabs and the quick access toolbar.
<F3> Displays the keytips of tools inside the currently selected tab.
<F4> Sends input focus to the ribbon search.
<F5> Displays the View Attributes dialog.
<F6> Opens the
<F7> Displays the Keyboard Shortcuts menu.
<F8> Turns on or off the display of the grid in the open view.
<F9> Sends input focus to the Key-in window if it is docked or open. Opens the Key-in window if it is not already open.
<F10> Sends input focus to the Tool Settings window if it is docked or open. Opens the Tool Settings window if it is not already open.
<F11> Sends input focus to the AccuDraw window if it is docked or open. Activates AccuDraw if it is not active and opens the AccuDraw window.
<F12> Sends input focus to home.
<Ctrl+F1> Activates the first tool in the Primary Tools toolbox.
<Ctrl+F2> Activates the second tool in the Primary Tools toolbox.

Activates the third tool in the Primary Tools toolbox.

<Ctrl+F4> Activates the fourth tool in the Primary Tools toolbox.
<Ctrl+F5> Activates the fifth tool in the Primary Tools toolbox. The default is to display the Saved Views dialog.
<Ctrl+F6> Activates the sixth tool in the Primary Tools toolbox.
<Ctrl+F7> Activates the seventh tool in the Primary Tools toolbox.
<Ctrl+F8> Activates the eighth tool in the Primary Tools toolbox.
<Ctrl+F9> Activates the ninth tool in the Primary Tools toolbox.
<Ctrl+F10> Activates the tenth tool in the Primary Tools toolbox.
<Ctrl+F11> Activates the eleventh tool in the Primary Tools toolbox.
<Ctrl+F12> Activates the twelfth tool in the Primary Tools toolbox.
Tip: Creating alternate function key definitions for function key definitions that already have special meaning, such as <F1> which opens Help, is not recommended.