Bentley OpenUtilities CONNECT Edition Help

New Material Item Dialog

Creates a new material item and adds it to the database. Use this dialog box to create a material item manually from scratch instead of loading it from an external database or editing an existing material item to create a new item. Mandatory fields appear in bold type.

ID The alphanumeric identifier for the material item.
Type The ownership type of the material item.
Major Material A classification for an item that is designated by the company as a major material. The Major Materials flag is used by Bentley OpenUtilities Designer in generating reports.
Name The name of the material item.
Quantity The quantity of material that constitutes the item.
Unit of Measure The measurement unit in which the item's quantity is expressed.
Cost The cost of the material that makes up the unit.
Description A description of the material item.
Owner The name of the user who is responsible for the material item and therefore has the authority to make changes to the data. By default, the user who created the material item is the owner.
Creator The login name of the person who created the material item.
Created The date on which the material item record was created.
Modified The date on which the material item data was last changed.
OK Closes the dialog and saves any changes.
Cancel Closes the dialog without saving any changes.
Custom Opens a custom dialog for specifying custom attribute values. This button appears dimmed if no custom dialog is available.
Help Opens the Help topic for this dialog.