About Reports
In Bentley OpenUtilities Designer, Bentley OpenUtilities Workflow Manager, and Bentley Expert Designer Communications, a report is a file that organizes and stores certain types of information in a predefined format. A report can contain work request and design data, unit data, or user data. In the Workflow Manager component of these products, reporting options are accessed with the Print command on the File menu.
The format of these reports is determined by report template files, which cannot be modified by users. If your company requires additional reports with custom formats, Seagate Crystal ReportsĀ® can be used to create report templates that can be integrated with Workflow Manager reporting functions.
When you select the report that you want to preview or print, the Workflow Manager reporting engine queries the database, retrieves and filters data according to the requirements of the selected report template, and writes the data to the file. Keep in mind that if there is no data in the database for the report you have selected, the report will be generated with the report structure but with no content.
The reports that are available will depend on the folder that is open, the type of data that you are working with, your user privileges, and other factors.